Our Team and Board of Directors
We have gathered a team of experienced GROF® educators and community members to build GROF® Legacy USA. As we grow, we hope to be joined by many other teachers, facilitators, researchers and community members with interest and expertise in Grofian psychology, research perspectives and facilitation techniques. In addition to our staffing team, we anticipate our Board Members, depending on time and other commitments, will not only contribute to our vision and program development, but will also act as teachers, facilitators, mentors and event or project leaders.

Diane Haug, MA, LPCC
Director | Chairperson of the GROF® Legacy Project Board of Directors
GROF® Breathwork trainer and facilitator
Diane is well known in the Grof community as a longtime teacher of Stan’s work and lead facilitator of holotropic breathwork workshops and training events in many contexts and many different countries. Having completed the first three-year training program offered by Stan and Christina Grof, Diane taught under the umbrella of Grof Transpersonal Training for three decades. Diane has maintained a strong interest in applying holotropic principles within a wide variety of cultural contexts including social and environmental activism, women’s leadership, transformational education, and gender equity and reconciliation. Since 2016, she has introduced Grof’s theoretical work and supported experiential breathwork sessions through the Center for Psychedelic Therapy and Research (CPTR) certification program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). Diane served as the Director of the 2021 CIIS/CPTR Mentoring Program. As a founding director of the GROF® Legacy Project and a certified GROF® Breathwork Facilitator, Diane is particularly interested in developing and leading programs supporting people preparing for roles as psychedelic therapists or sitters. Diane lives in the mountains outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Marianne Murray, PhD
Board of Directors, GROF® Legacy Project
GROF® Breathwork trainer and facilitator
Marianne describes herself as an eclectic and experiential practitioner in the field of learning. Her academic studies include master’s degrees in transpersonal psychology and mindfulness-based psychotherapy and a doctoral degree in transformative learning and change in human systems. Integral to her work has been her training with Stanislav Grof – she completed the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2001, is a certified GROF® Breathwork facilitator, and has facilitated holotropic breathwork in the US, UK and Europe, Kenya, and India. She is certified also as a facilitator of Bert Hellinger’s systemic constellation work and completed her training as a massage therapist. Marianne is a member of the faculty at the Academy for the Love of Learning where, for the past 22 years she has been intimately involved with the development of the core curriculum and helping to establish the Academy’s pedagogy. Questions that motivate her include: How is body consciousness integral to learning as we explore and unpick unconscious, and semi-conscious, beliefs and biases? What is the role of facilitator presence in supporting group learning (and healing), particularly given varying degrees of individual and collective trauma? How do we stabilize and integrate learning insights emerging in slightly expanded states of consciousness that are often present in experiential group process (not to mention day-to-day life), as well as those more fully expanded states experienced in breathwork and in psychedelic sessions? Now in her 70th decade, she can’t help but ask, also, what is the conscious completion of a life’s journey? Marianne serves on the Board of Directors for GROF® Legacy Project, is a Mind and Life Fellow, and lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Pam Stockton, JD, MTS, MA, LPCC, SEP
Board of Directors, GROF® Legacy Project
GROF® Breathwork facilitator
Pam has been part of the Grof community for many years, including organizing and supporting workshops in Texas. She completed her training with Grof Transpersonal Training and was certified in 2009; she is now a certified GROF® Breathwork Facilitator. The theoretical orientation of her private psychotherapy practice, informed by her studies in counseling, theology and her own contemplative practice, is grounded in Stan’s work and the psyche’s orientation toward wholeness. Another former practicing attorney, Pam will support our infrastructure development in many ways as well as act as liaison to several other important communities, including the Somatic Experiencing® and Jungian psychology communities. She is particularly interested in integrating somatic psychotherapy and trauma studies with Stan’s work and transpersonal approaches to healing. Pam serves on the Project’s Board of Directors. After many years in Houston, Texas, Pam now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Will Keepin, PhD
Board of Directors, GROF® Legacy Project
GROF® Breathwork facilitator
Will Keepin was certified in the Grof Transpersonal Training in 1990, and has led many holotropic breathwork workshops since then. Will co-founded the Gender Equity and Reconciliation International project, which has organized 280 intensive trainings in twelve countries. He is widely published in sustainable energy, global warming, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology, and comparative mysticism. He has testified before legislative bodies, and became a whistleblower in nuclear science policy. Will holds a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, and M.A. and honorary doctorate from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has co-convened five international conferences for inter-spiritual dialogue across the world religions. Will is author of Divine Duality: The Power of Reconciliation Between Women and Men, and Belonging to God: Spirituality, Science, and a Universal Path of Divine Love; and co-author of Women Healing Women, and Song of the Earth. His recent book chapters are on GROF® Breathwork for social change leaders (in Psyche Unbound, to honor Stan Grof), and the universal divine feminine (in Wisdom Goddess Traditions, 2021). Will is now a GROF® Breathwork Facilitator and serves on the Board of Directors of GROF® Legacy Project.

Patty Nagle, MA, LMHC
Administrative Assistant
GROF® Breathwork facilitator
Patty will assist the development of GROF® Legacy Project in evolving roles. She brings over twenty years experience in nonprofit management with expertise in the areas of programming, operations and event production. She has a master’s degree in Counseling and is an LMHC (licensed mental health counselor). Patty is particularly interested in the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and ecotherapy. Patty is a certified GROF® Breathwork facilitator and will assist in the facilitation of breathwork events, as well as program development. She lives outside Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Kirsten Kairos, Equine Gestaltist®
Events Manager
GROF® Breathwork facilitator
Kirsten is a seasoned Sound Medicine Guide, Bodyworker and Doula, who certified in holotropic breath facilitation through the Grof Transpersonal Training in 2011. She has facilitated retreats and workshops throughout the US. In December 2022, she completed certification as a licensed Equine Facilitator® and as an Equine Gestaltist® partnering with horses to offer a trauma-informed approach to the healing of deep wounding through awareness and integration. Kirsten joined the GROF® Legacy team in 2022 as Event Coordinator and a GROF® Breathwork Facilitator. She is the founder of both LightHorse Equine and LightHorse Wellness, a healing sanctuary that serves as a multi-generational bridge between Indigenous and non-Native populations with a focus on Women’s Empowerment, LGBTQ+, Caregivers, Elder Support and Community Enrichment. A nationally recognized professional voice-over artist, Kirsten contributed narration to Richard Tarnas’ 10-Part series, Changing of the Gods, released in 2022.