Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Fund Program

You can help us build a continuing scholarship to assist prospective GROF® Breathwork retreat attendees of lesser means gain access to our transformational experiences. The GROF® Legacy Project is committed to making GROF® Breathwork accessible to a diverse range of people. Consider making a recurring donation as a sustaining supporter by selecting that option during donation checkout.

Please share our programs with your friends and family!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

— Diane Haug, Director

The GROF® Legacy Project USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States of America, Nº 86-2006604.

Program Update: October 2023 Letter from the Director

As the Grof Legacy Project is moving towards its last residential retreat for 2023 we are reflecting on all that we have been able to offer since our first in-person work began in May 2022 at Synergia Ranch, Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Our 4 night / 5 day residential retreats have proven to be extremely well received.  It has been very moving for the staff to witness the impact of this deep personal work as it radiates out in service to families and a greater community.  We have had many participants return – and bringing friends, family, and colleagues back with them.  Between our 8-week online course in 2021, nine residential retreats in 2022 and 2023, and the large MAPS pre-conference workshop (June 2023), the Grof Legacy Project USA has worked with over 500 people over the last two years.

We have found that residential work is the very best setting given the depth and transformational potential of GROF ®Breathwork.  People need time to step out of business as usual and cultivate a greater intimacy with their inner lives.  People are starved for the experience of open-hearted community – a place where they can be themselves and experience the rare gift of authentic, transparent, and truthful interaction with others.

The reality is that the expenses related to residential settings  – with adequate and experienced staffing  –  are high.  In fact, our Synergia Ranch events net marginal profit in relation to our overall operating expenses.   To date, our work toward building this non-profit has been a labor of love.   All of us involved with the Grof Legacy Project are  concerned about the expense of these events  and share an intention to make work of this nature more available to a wider and more diverse range of people.

In 2021 we were a startup.  We received our tax-exempt IRS 501(c)3 status in June 2022.  During the second half 2022 and all of 2023 we got to work serving people.

We hope to keep growing.

Although we have yet to create a designated ‘scholarship fund’, we have recently created a way for people to help support that vision.  Once we have secured $10,000 in a designated fund we will be able to offer many more well deserving people a partial scholarship  toward their attendance at Grof Legacy events.

Please note the DONATE button on the home page of our website.  If our work has had value for you and/or you are able to support those to come, we would gratefully accept a donation in any amount.   Thank you so much for your consideration.


The Grof Legacy Project Team

Thank You!

As a nascent nonprofit organization promoting wellness and healing in the United States, we are grateful for any level of financial support you can provide.

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